Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year. What will you do with it?

So New Years Day is here....... and so many people are out making resolutions and aiming at things they want to do different in the New Year. I quite honestly, have never been a fan of resolutions. I feel like the excitement of the New Year and "the world" hyping  it up even more, causes people to think that change has to absolutely happen within the few days following New Years Day. I believe if you want to change something you can do it anytime you get ready. Some people have already had their New Years  in May or in August. Not that I am against New Years resolutions, I just feel it's so easy to get caught in the hoopla of it all, and not really embrace the fact that a change needs to take place. When you are truly sick of where u are at in your life and have a mindset that I can move forward from this place, You'll do it. You;; make the change.

One of my favorite scriptures is Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this one thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." This scripture encourages me greatly. It allows me to see that God knows the necessary work that needs to be done in me begins first with Jesus Christ and is an ongoing process throughout my journey of life. Many of us are trying to change behaviors or traits that have become habit without the help of Jesus Christ. Yes, you may last for awhile, but eventually that same behavior comes back and once again your faced with a decision to try and change it. There's no way "dirty hands can make something clean." So the first work begins with the transformation that Jesus brings when He changes our hearts. It's all a gradual process where he begins to strips things from us, relationships, sin, negative behaviors, and things that will hinder us in the future. 

So during this journey of being saved and attempting to live a pure and holy life after God, I have this confidence that God is continuing to perfect things in me. He is continuing to change things about my personality that aren't favorable. He's still working on the way that I treat people. He's still working on insecurities that need to be let go. He's still showing me that there is still a greater depth in Him that we have to reach. God is continuing to change the "ugly" parts of me,  that some of us try to deny. So writing a new years resolution is fine, if that's what you do, but know throughout this year of 2013, God gives you the opportunity day after day to ask  Him to change those things within us that we are not satisfied with. 

So in this NewYear I want you to be encouraged to do things not just differently but wholeheartedly. Allow God to make the change in your life. When you sit down actually ask Him what needs to be changed, what needs to be altered. Because at the end of the day He's the one molding you and shaping you.