Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Don't Miss the Conference!!! Your blessing is HERE!!!

Broken But Restored Women's Conference is almost here!! I'm telling you, you don't want to miss out on this experience. If anybody knows the power that is ignited when women (and men :) join together to worships, its an AWE experience. So I am once again inviting all to come on Thursday and Friday of this week! We are so excited and anticipating how God is going to restore, change and revive us. It doesn't matter who you are, how your dressed or what you look like....... JUST COME..... You don't want to miss 1 word that could change the COURSE OF YOUR LIFE FOREVER!!  And if anybody knows Pastor Vera Shymoniak, you know that there is a WORD straight from the THRONE ROOM...
See you there, Be blessed and encouraged today! :) 

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