Sunday, December 2, 2012

Who is Tonette........

So I am beginning a blog, something that has been resting on my heart for quite some time. Anyone that truly knows me, knows that I am not the most "Open" with sharing details of my life, but I feel some things that I have witnessed and walked through are a testimony and need to be shared to encourage others through this walk of life. So this is me, Tonette. Some know me as Minister Tonette, Sister Tonette, a soon to be licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, daughter of awesome parents and one of the most important to me an Intense Worshipper and Follower of Christ. I haven't always been this intense follower of Christ that I am today. God has done a complete transformation in my life. I've known God all my life, but at one point in time I became rebellious towards Him . At age 21 God touched my heart in such a way that I made the decision as he accepted me back to follow him and never look back. And I haven't. In this journey with God every step of the way He has challenged me, pushed me and encouraged me to recognize what He's placed inside of me. So through the journey of this blog my prayer is that through reading my posts and transparency with you, that you would be ENCOURAGED, EMPOWERED AND ENLIGHTENED to become the GREATEST person you can be in God. Let us sojourn together :) 


Nitecruzr said...

Here's a test comment.


Anonymous said...

Sister God is going to use you in this realm tremendously. Be anxious for nothing! In due time, the gates of this avenue for ministry will be opened for you. This will be a blessing to many people. To God be the glory! I'm excited for you.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Finding your voice to speak to generations blesses all